
The Jury will be composed of representatives from Italian and foreign experts of classical ballet, contemporary and choreography. The decisions of the judges are final and cannot be appealed.

The jury may decide to award non money prizes such as scholarships or special prizes to merit talents even if they are not proclaimed winners of the competition.

The Jury reserves the right not to assign all the prizes In case of delay, of one of the members of the Jury, the function of the Selection Committee will be carried out regularly with the present members.

Those interested can learn about the individual votes of all the preliminary stages, on request by mail to info@ibcsicilia.com


Candidates must send by mail iscrizioni@ibcsicilia.com before July 10,2019 files ofmusic performances indicating full name and title.

Candidates are required to bring with you even copies of CD with single track, indicating full name and title.

Only performance quality recordings will be accepted by the Jury who reserves the right to reject the recording and therefore the disqualification from the Competition.

Rehearsal-Elimination phase-Costumes

For the rehearsal program on the stage, who is interested can contact the organization or  by email info@ibcsicilia.com

The rehearsal on stage is not mandatory.

Time soloists  5 min.

soloists in pas de deux 10 min.

groups 10 min.

The warms up are open for all participants in the competition The timetables and the every day schedule can undergo a change by the Organization Responsible in order to optimize the development of the Competition.

All the candidates must arrive at least an hour before the beginning of the several eliminatory rounds. The eliminatory phases will take always starting from the classical division with its categories and then to modern.

All the candidates will furnish there own ballet costumes which they will be required to wear in the course of the eliminatory tests, semi-final and final.


During the competition it will be workshops with members of Jury. The stages will take place in Teatro Garibardi  July 10/13, 2019 in the antemeridian hours. The stages will be considered as initiatives detached from the competition.

For the partecipants of IBC SICILIA the cost for 1 stage (Classical or Modern) is €80, and for both € 140.

All information are in special icone on home page


The candidate who is accepted to the IBC SICILIA enables the organization (unless he/she does not dissent in a written form) to freely use their own image, personal data and for promotional, statistical and informative purposes, according to the Public Law n. 675 of 1996, and accept the present rules.


All the winners will participate in the closing ‘Galà which will be held July 14, 2019 at 9. p.m. All phases of the competition will be with the presence of the public.


Size: 11X16 meters

Side openings: 3 right and 3 left

Floors: linoleum professional

It is forbidden to use make-up or body creams, liquid or powdered substances this could damage the linoleum and therefore cause problems to the competitors. Who needs may leave the props in an enclosed space behind the stage. During all the competition it is asked utmost respect and silence during performances of other competitors. It also asked attention to the order and the cleaning of the spaces used as dressing. The organizing committee is not liable for theft and loss.

Travel and Accomodation

Each competitor or school must provide his own travel and accommodation. The organization still provide all the necessary information support. For conventions display icon on the home page.


During the days of competition it is forbidden the use of cameras.

The photo shoot is exclusively assigned to the official photographer. During the 5-day event it is stipulated insurance cover.This insurance does not cover any individual accident. Each candidate or school, should have a personal insurance.

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